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A particularly well-known purpose for a windsock is in the aviation industry.
As the wind enters the wider end of the windsock, the wind is directed towards the narrow end and thus the windsock points in the same direction as the gust.
This is useful at airports, airfields, helipads, and helicopter landing pads.

In these contexts, windsocks can show the direction of the wind and give an idea of its speed.
This information can help aircraft pilots control their aircraft more effectively when landing, gain more lift when taking off, and reduce the distance traveled in both cases.



In the event of a chemical plant emergency, not only personnel, but also members of the public, such as residents of nearby properties, may be at risk.
In such a case, if dangerous gas leaks occur, windsocks installed in the area can help detect which way the leaks will travel and how fast,  helping prevent life-threatening air pollution.


in the agricultural sector  Windsocks are intended to verify the direction and strength of the wind, as a control factor, prior to carrying out fumigations.
The intention is to add one more element of control, to all those that are already taken into account, to guarantee that fumigations with agrochemicals are carried out without generating risk for the population.
In this case, at the moment of the application, with the sleeves it can be verified that the winds circulate in a direction opposite to the urban area.


There are many contaminants, hazards, and disease-causing microorganisms in wastewater treatment plants around the world.  One way that these pathogenic aerosols become a hazard to the worker is through air extraction, by the wind carrying the droplets to the worker.  
One engineering safety device that many city governments are making mandatory in strategic locations is the windsock.  As in oil fields, H2S is also a problem in sewage treatment plants generated by intestinal microflora.  
Windsocks are an inexpensive alternative to having a worker sick from any of these contaminants.


ammonia  Anhydrous is used as a refrigerant in cold packaging facilities in cold storage facilities.  
ammonia  anhydrous (N3H), like hydrogen sulfide (H2S), is highly toxic and extremely deadly at concentrations of 2,500 to 2,600 ppm.  
In the event of a substantial release of ammonia  anhydrous, a windsock is a great safety device to help workers move to a safe area out of range of contamination.
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